People on the go
As a Pilot, Master Mariner or a Seafarer you are usually on the go due to the demands of your profession. There are times when you are away from home for days or months at end and then some days are easy. Usually keeping a track of your finances is a daunting task as the professional demands are always a priority. Even if you can spare time from your profession, you would like to spend the time available with friends and family rather than deal with numbers. We understand the complexities you face due to different time zones, travel schedules and pursuing a demanding career such as yours.
We offer the following services for Pilots / Master Mariners / Seafarers and other people on the move through:
- Stress free finances using a tested financial planning process
- Adequate risk management through insurance planning
- Budgeting and Cash flow planning
- Contingency planning for income loss situations
- Retirement planning basis life goals and lifestyle needs
- Seamless online access to portfolio via Plan Ahead App and Plan Ahead website